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  • Editorial Board of Journal of Asian Business Innovation (JABI)

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy and Review Process

Editorial Policy (JABI)
  • 1. Submission of a manuscript to JABI for possible publication means that the authors certify that the manuscript has not been published previously nor is currently submitted for publication elsewhere. All legal responsibilities and duties about the contents of the work belong to the authors.
  • 2. JABI uses double-blind review, which means that the author identities are concealed from the reviewers throughout the review process, and vice versa. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not disclose their identity.
  • 3. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by at least two reviewers nominated by the editorial board. When all reviewers agree to recommend the publication of a manuscript, the manuscript will be accepted for publication. If not, the editor-in-chief confers with the associate editor who handles the manuscript and oversees deliberation in the editorial board meeting.
  • 4. Copyrights to make digital and/or hard copy of, republish, and redistribute part or all of the work belong to JABI. All legal issues related to copyrights are the responsibility of the authors.
  • 5. JABI publishes biannually. Publication is made on the last day of June and December each year. Special issues can also be published, if necessary.
Review Process (JABI)
  • 1. The editor-in-chief first screens the submission to assess whether the manuscript complies with the editorial format of JABI. The editor-in-chief then notifies the first or corresponding author about receipt of the manuscript. Next, the editor-in-chief selects an associate editor and sends the manuscript to the associate editor.
  • 2. The associate editor selects at least two reviewers with a high level of expertise in the topic area of the manuscript and sends the manuscript to them. The associate editor notifies the editor-in-chief of the list of reviewers.
  • 3. The panel of reviewers notifies the associate editor of the review results.
  • 4. The associate editor evaluates the reviewer’s recommendation and reports associate editor’s recommendation to the editor-in-chief. Then editor-in-chief makes the final decision based on associate editor’s recommendation. In general, the first round of review process will take around two months.
  • 5. The manuscript is evaluated based on a five-point scale from "very poor," "poor," "average," "good" to "very good" according to each 9 criterions including originality, relationship to literature, research methodology, results, contribution, subject relevance, timeliness, structure and coherence, and communication and clarity. Next, the reviewers decide on the recommendation of the manuscript, which is one of "accept", "minor revision", "major revision", or "reject".
  • 6. If the review result is "minor revision" or "major revision", the editors-in-chief returns the manuscript to the author and requests revision based on the associate editor and reviewers' comments and feedback. The author then sends the revised work to the editors-in-chief. Then, editors-in-chief asks the associate editor to send the revised manuscript back to the reviewers to determine whether the revision was satisfactory in compliance with the reviewer’s comments. The panel of reviewer informs the associate editor of the final review result, and the associate editor recommends it to the editor-in-chief.
  • 7. If the final decision of two reviewers is conflicting between "accept" and "reject", the associate editor or editors-in-chief may nominate the third reviewer.
  • 8. When accepted for publication, the journal manager sends author the final guide mail with Copyright Transfer Agreement before publication. After submission of final work with the Copyright Transfer Agreement, journal manager starts editing the journal based on the final script. Once editing of the journal is completed, the journal manager sends the edited version of the journal to the author. In request of the publication certificate, the journal manager is responsible for transferring the certification of publication with the volume, issue, and publication date of the prospective issue indicated.