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Research Ethics Regulations

Guidelines for Research Ethics in Academic Journals

Research Ethics Regulations (JABI)

Adopted in March 2024


Journal of Asian Business Innovation (JABI) is an academic journal aiming at the development of Asian business and academic exchange. JABI is the main channel to release research findings and communicate academic knowledge. JABI is required to expose academic fraud such as the authenticity of submitted papers, multiple publications, forgery, falsification and plagiarism while setting up and implementing appropriate measures against them to contribute to ethical research compliance. This Research Ethics Guideline seeks to comply with applicable principles and rules in the research activities while presenting some principles and rules to the authors, editing staff and examiners for compliance.

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: Purpose

This Guideline seeks to secure the research ethics and authenticity of JABI by determining general matters such as the criteria for fraudulent research activities and disciplinary measures on the papers submitted to and published in the JABI.

Article 2: Research Ethics

  1. 1. (Academic Objectivity) Authors submitting papers to the JABI should maintain academic objectivity throughout the research process and not intentionally omit, add, or modify research findings.
  2. 2. (Academic Originality) Authors submitting papers to JABI should respect others' research achievements and secure academic originality in their paper to be distinguished from other papers of the author's own and other existing research achievements.
  3. 3. (False Citation) Authors of papers submitted to and published in JABI should be those who have contributed to the paper writing and should not omit anyone who has done so.

Article 3: Research Ethics Committee

  1. 1. The Research Ethics Committee is organized to deliberate and make decisions on the matters outlined in this Guideline.
  2. 2. The Research Ethics Committee consists of five or more people, including the chairman in total, who are experts in areas concerned with issues under deliberation.
  3. 3. The Research Ethics Committee members are designated and appointed by the Editorial Board.
  4. 4. The Editor-in-Chief will chair the Research Ethics Committee. The chair will convene and preside over the Research Ethics Committee.
  5. 5. The Research Ethics Committee is organized and held where necessary as deliberation issues are introduced.
  6. 6. The Research Ethics Committee must be held within 30 days from the date of recognition of the misconduct.

Chapter 2. Research Misconduct

Journal of Asian Business Innovation (JABI) is an academic journal aiming at the development of Asian business and academic exchange. JABI is the main channel to release research findings and communicate academic knowledge. JABI is required to expose academic fraud such as the authenticity of submitted papers, multiple publications, forgery, falsification and plagiarism while setting up and implementing appropriate measures against them to contribute to ethical research compliance. This Research Ethics Guideline seeks to comply with applicable principles and rules in the research activities while presenting some principles and rules to the authors, editing staff and examiners for compliance.

Article 4: Multiple Publication

    1. 1. (1) Any paper that has been published in other journals should not be submitted and published in the JABI.
    2. (2) To differentiate submitted papers from existing ones concerning the paragraph (1) above, the following criteria are applied:
      1. A. submitted paper should have a remarkable difference from existing papers in research purpose, method, scope, data, findings, logical development, etc.
      2. B. Use of a different language is not recognized as a difference.
    3. 2. If a paper submitted to JABI modifies or improves partially or entirely another paper that has been previously presented in an academic conference, symposium, and etc., such a fact should be specified.
    4. 3. If a paper submitted to JABI modifies or improves partially or entirely another research project report that has been previously presented in an academic conference, symposium, and etc., such a fact should be specified.
    5. 4. If a paper submitted to JABI modifies or improves partially or entirely another Ph.D. or master's degree dissertation, the author of such dissertation must be included as authors in the submitted paper.

Article 5: Forgery & Falsification

  1. Forgery or falsification includes behaviors intentionally expressing the data, measurements and photographs, and etc., differently from the truth.
    1. A. Forgery refers to behaviors falsely generating non-existent data or research findings, etc..
    2. B. Falsification refers to behaviors distorting research details or findings by arbitrarily manipulating the research process, etc. or changing/deleting data.

Article 6: Plagiarism

  1. 1. Plagiarism refers to behaviors that use previously published academic ideas, views, expressions, research findings, etc., without specifying a clear source.
  2. 2. Regarding the parts used in papers without specifying citation sources, plagiarism also applies to the cases of similar details and expressions to those previously published ones. Plagiarism decisions are irrespective of the amount used without citation source specification.
  3. 3. Plagiarism applies to the cases where an author plagiarizes his or her own previously disclosed details (self-plagiarism).
  4. 4. However, plagiarism is not applied to the cases of using without source specification academic knowledge, research findings, etc., that have already been generally utilized in the public domain.

Chapter 3. Deliberation and decision on the fraudulent act

Article 7: Duties of Editorial Board members

The Editorial Board members, if they find any fraudulent act in research according to Articles 4 through 6, should immediately report to the Editorial Board.

Article 8: Decision on Fraudulent Acts in Research

  1. 1. In the event of a report on a fraudulent act, the Editorial Board should collect related data and investigate the reliability of such a report.
  2. 2. The Editorial Board, if the report is found to be reliable, should introduce the issue to the Research Ethics Committee and submit deliberation data.
  3. 3. The chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee allows an opportunity for the involved author to present an explanation for the issue prior to deliberation.
  4. 4. The Research Ethics Committee decides on fraudulent research acts based on the presentation of at least 2/3 of the current members and votes for agreement by at least 2/3 of the present members.
  5. 5. The chairperson notifies the corresponding author of voting results and reasons.

Article 9: Objection

  1. 1. The author of a paper that decided to involve a fraudulent research behavior can file an objection once within 2 weeks if he or she views that the Board's decision or reasons are unfair.
  2. 2. The Research Ethics Committee reviews the validity of such an objection and can re-examine or modify its resolution.
  3. 3. The chairperson notifies the Committee's resolution and causes thereof to the corresponding author.

Article 10: Confidentiality

  1. 1. Research Ethics Committee and Editorial Board members should not disclose to the outside the identity of a reporter who has informed a fraudulent research act.
  2. 2.Research Ethics Committee and Editorial Board members should not disclose the identity of the author before the final decision that a reported behavior is fraudulent or when such behavior is found not to be fraudulent.

Chapter 4 Penalty

Article 11: Penalty

  1. If the Research Ethics Committee decides that a reported act is multiple publication, forgery, falsification, and plagiarism, the following measures are executed:
    1. A. The Editorial Board cancels the publication of such a paper in JABI.
    2. B. The Editorial Board notifies the author's affiliated institution of the decision.
    3. C. The related author is not allowed to submit a paper to JABI for three years from the resolution.

Additional Rules

Article 1 (Enforcement Date)

  1. 1. This Guideline shall enter into force on the date of its adoption.